Monday, November 16, 2009

The first bit of Rambling...

Okay...So it's 4:45 am and i am creating a blog. what in the hell am i thinking? i have a sick baby right now and a headache from WAY too much writing for NaNoWriMo.

I honestly have NO idea what to talk, until i decide exactly what the hell i am going to write about, bear with me, and i promise i will find something. for is a picture of a sad little kitty... okay im done rambling.


  1. awww cute kitty!! ok something random for you.... leg waxing versus shaving hehe xxx

  2. oh that is random... i may use it....

  3. Blogging is great for rambling. Most of the time I have no idea what I am going to blog about until I sit down to type. It's all fun.

    Waxing vs shaving.... definitely a worthy topic :)
